Sunday, February 27, 2011

Wedding & Graduation Seasons are coming!

It's a quiet year for me. No weddings or graduations. But I'm sure you have lots of them coming up. Why not treat your loved ones to a custom beach writing Class of 2011 magnet, or
Mr & Mrs Wine/Champagne charms.
All of this is available in my etsy shop, plus more! Check it out!!!!

Jersey Girl Necklaces too!

Monday, February 21, 2011

A GREAT day for me!

I regularly listen & call into NJ101.5's mid day show. It was Dennis & Judi, but then Judi left and Michele took over. As of today, Michele has left & Judi has returned.

Since I started my business in the spring of 2010 whenever I would call in to the talk show I would try to find a way to mention my business name. But not in a sneaky way. Anyway because of that they have gotten to know me.

Today I send them the following beach writing.


You can check it out here. NJ1015

I could not have a better Monday!
(now let's hope it generates some sales!)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Beach Writing Hazards

Yep, hazards. For every great picture I get.

I get tons of OOPS.
In my previous post, I mentioned the prop thief and how I've had people run through my shots. Those are pretty rare, except when I bring my kids with me.

I do run across garbage on the beach

And can we not even discuss the snow we've gotten this winter?
(Side note, figured out a few weeks ago that this is the spot where Snooki kept falling in the sand in the episode she got arrested! LOL)

And frozen sand.

But for the most part, my biggest hazard is the ocean itself.
Want to know why I charge a little more for stick figure families????

When a heart with 2 names gets washed away, no big deal.

When a family of 5 or more stick figures gets washed away..
It's a big deal.

Either way I love doing it. I'll take the waves washing away my work because most of the time the next writing is even better.

What I have a HUGE problem with though, is those pesky photobombers...

Get your own pictures :D

Wednesday, February 16, 2011



Ok it was the online version, but still READERS DIGEST!!!!! HOLY CRAP!

Click HERE to read the story.

I was wondering why when I looked at my etsy shop stats there were over 600 hits from LOL

Ok onto your regularly schedule program LOL

Sunday, February 13, 2011

THIEF! !!!

So I am at the beach Saturday afternoon filling orders, I had like 17 to do. One of them is a redo of the ones I did with wine glasses, I did that one first.

I'm wandering up and down the beach about 50 feet doing the rest, leaving the bag with the glasses half buried in the sand because it's VERY windy.

At one point this old guy walks by with his ADORABLE brown and white border collie Boomer. I play with Boomer a little bit & they walk off. (this is not Boomer, but it's what he looked like)

I finish up with what I'm doing and head over to grab my bag.

The bag is still there, all the bubble wrap & newspaper and empty bottle of juice are there but NO WINE GLASSES! I'm all WTF???? I look around thinking maybe just maybe they fell out of the bag and blew away. Nope.

That's when I realize the old man walked passed me and left (I was half paying attention since I was already friendly but wanted to get done).

He took my wine glasses! Now they were just inexpensive glasses from the Christmas tree shop, but seriously, WTF???? When he left he walked up a ramp that was to the side of where my car was. Since I was done I hopped in the car & cruised the neighborhoods on that side of the beach, no luck.

Went back to the parking lot I was in and there was a truck in the lot with a blanket on the passenger seat. Hoping it was his truck I parked & walked back up on the beach, he was there.

"I thought someone left them after a night of partying, I was looking for the wine bottle."

Mind you, it's been like 20 degrees or colder at night.

I played all nice & he retrieved the glasses from his truck for me.

"I was going to fill them with sand & put a candle in them"

I told him about the much nicer ones at the Christmas tree shop and went on my way.

Seriously though, I'm the only person on the beach besides him and he doesn't even think to ASK ME if they're mine.

What was funny though, when I walked back on the beach and started walking towards him, Boomer started getting all excited & "talking" to me. So cute!

Between him and the VERY rude guy that ran through my shot not just ONCE but twice, I think I need to bring a body guard! LOL

Monday, February 7, 2011

I had a client want wine glasses in her custom beach writing picture. I hadn't done this before, but who am I to say no?? Ran to the store to get some wine glasses (mine are packed away).

Before I left for the beach I decided to grab my playing card wine charms. It was a beautiful day at the beach on Sunday, so when I was all done filling my Valentine's Day orders, I set this shot up.

Even though the temps were only in the 40's, I think this picture makes it feel like a nice warm day, perfect for sipping wine with your honey.

But for those days when you have some friends over for an evening, have my wine charms on hand to mark your glasses.
