Wednesday, June 29, 2011

July Calander

The month of July for you!

Click on the picture to get the full version.  Then save it to your computer!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


The ocean is beautiful and majestic. 

 But it can also be a bit frightening. 

Especially when this is all you see looking one way.

And the other way.

But this makes it worth it!

Don't forget to visit MY SHOP to get your custom beach writings!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Glass Blowing with the 10 Year Old

Meet my younger son Jared.

He's a bit crazy :D

But we like him that way.

Anyway, for his birthday he wanted to go to Hot Sand in Asbury Park, NJ and do glass blowing, like I did for back in December.  As luck would have it, just a few short days before his birthday, there was a Groupon for half off Hot Sand! (yeah me!)

We finally got there about a week ago. 
While their only rule is that you have to be at least 9 years old, be smart and realize that if your child can not sit still and listen to directions, maybe you should wait until they're a little older. 

Remember the glass is HOT!

And you have to blow quite a bit!
Check out that hot red glass!

After this they put it in the oven to bring the temp down slowly & a few days later you can pick it up.

Here is Jared's Blue Glass Ball. 

OH and since I'm talking about Jared, I should mention one other thing.  Last night his Minor Little League team won their division Championship!!!

It's been a good week to be Jared!

Friday, June 17, 2011

2 years, 6 months and 16 days later

Forgive the self indulgent post today (umm what blog isn't self indulgent?)  but today's blog is all about an accomplishment I achieved today.

Today, June 17th, 2011
2 years, 6 months and 16 days later
After MANY MANY starts & stops, injuries, parties, laziness, holidays and other obstacles
I am 

(sorry about the language)

January 2009 to June 2011

I'm not done yet, but this was my main goal.

A 65 pound fish

I almost cried this morning when I stepped on the scale.  And it would have been a good cry, not a bad cry. 

When I started this journey, that mountain of 65lbs was scary, so I took it 10 pounds at a time and 1 meal at a time.   That's all I could do.  I couldn't focus on the mountain, I had to focus on 1 step at a time. And here I am.

I'm not done yet.  I want to lose at least another 10, if not 20.

But today is MY day because I am proud of me. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Gives them the "eye"

Apparently the Blue Fish were biting today, because there were fishermen on my beach today.  And lots of boats in the water. 

Get off my BEACH!

I feel like that old man in your neighborhood yelling at the kids to "get off my lawn" LOL

Except it's not *MY* beach LOL 

Don't these people have day jobs?  It's Wednesday!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Beach Glass

I found this piece of beach glass a few weeks ago on the Jersey Shore when I was there doing my Custom Beach Writings.  

I tried to wrap it with wire and well that's a skill I do not have.

So instead I attached a bail and made this necklace. 

I'm not a person to make jewelry other then my picture pendants, but I think this one came out pretty nice.  I listed it in

If you want it.  $20 plus $2.50 shipping. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

New in my Shop!

I'm going to eventually get all the Jersey Shore town names, but for now I have the following.

Check out MY SHOP if you want one!

Monday, June 6, 2011

My weekend in Wildwood!

Welcome to Wildwood, NJ!

 They have the coolest WaWa!

And apparently, FLYING SHARKS!

People will tell you that Wildwood has the widest beaches, and they're right.  I'm standing at the end of the walkway not quite in the middle of the beach.  
I took a picture of the ocean, then turned (in the same spot) and took a picture of our hotel.

Saturday we went to Cape May

Umm someone needs to learn to use Spell Check

The shopping area

Horse Drawn carriage horse

This building frightens me!

Heading back to Wildwood.  Wait, we didn't leave NJ!

I had a great time.  Sold a bunch of Jersey Girl & I Heart U necklaces & still need another day to recover!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Help me brainstorm!

This weekend my husband & I are going to Wildwood. He joined the Elks last year and they do a whole convention down in Wildwood. For 2 nights at the hotel and all the food & alcohol we can consume, it's only $300. And we were able to pay it in installments which was great. No, the kids are not coming with us. Maybe next year this is our first year.

So I want to be able to sell my beach stuff while I'm there. I have a bunch of necklaces and there isn't enough time to make any more. So I was thinking of just going through my pictures and finding a few nice ones and use photo shop to write Wildwood, NJ or find out exactly what they call this convention and add that as well.

Or I could go down to the beach and write something in the sand about the elks & add Wildwood, NJ. etc.

If the weather is nice I will take custom orders too.  I'm going to bring my laptop & printer so I don't have to print out a ton ahead of time.

I'm still working on my 1st cup of coffee so forgive me if this is crazy LOL

If you leave a comment with an idea, I'll send you a coupon code for 15% off anything in