Monday, November 12, 2012

More Craft Shows

Had a GREAT time at Utopia yesterday doing a fundraising event.  Here is what my table is looking like these days.  I feel it's getting better with every show.  

Next show is Brick Township High School, Chambersbridge Road in Brick from 9 to 4.  

ETA 11/17 7am

So I found out earlier this week that the PTSA canceled the Brick High School show for today (Saturday)
I did a little scrambling and was able to get into another show!


Today, Saturday, November 17, 2012
Ted Blum 4-H Center
310 Milltown Road
Bridgewater, NJ
10 to 2

Come see me :D 

Friday, November 9, 2012

Utopia? Jerseylicious? RHONJ?

If you've read my blog you know I watch Jersey Shore.  Watching it last night brought tears to my eyes.  Not because of how screwed up the cast is or how lame the show has become... 

but because it's Seaside from the summer.  

Before that bitch Sandy reared her ugly face.

But that is really the only "reality" show I watch.  For no other reason then I can NOT stand the constant bleeping out of the cursing on all the shows.  I have a bit of a truckers mouth (yes just a bit LOL) so it's really not the cursing as much as it is the constant BEEP.  It's poor editing. I would prefer a dead spot of air vs that damn beep.  Or just let them curse! 

Plus I don't watch a whole lot of tv anymore.  I used to be a tv junkie, now I have just a handful of shows I watch.

This brings me to my main topic, I was invited to join an event at Utopia in Westfield, NJ this Sunday.  I had left this weekend open because my older son was supposed to have a Marching Band competition in Maryland, so when I was invited I figured I'd go for it

*side note, the band is now doing a state competition on Sunday.. found out YESTERDAY.  Son understands I want to pay off his braces so I won't be at his competition!*

I'm reading the above flyer and see Jerseylicious and RHONJ mentioned and I realize that I have NO IDEA who these people are.  I refuse to walk in there not knowing anything about them, so I guess I need to do some research!  LOL  If you have any info about these shows that you'd like to share with me, I'd appreciate it SO MUCH!!!

If you're in the area on Sunday & would like to help raise money for hurricane victims, stop by!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

First Hurricane Sandy

And then a Nor'easter that turned into a snow storm.

Yeah it's rough. But we're lucky, we didn't lose power that just came back on Tuesday when this storm came through.

OH and it's going to be 65 on Monday.

I am a Jersey Girl and I am Jersey Strong! 

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Saturday at the Jersey Shore

So we're still without power.  But we're doing ok.

The Governor just said in a news conference that over 50% of the homes in Mantoloking have been destroyed.  Ok I don't have a home in Mantoloking & my heart goes out to those who do have a beach house or a home on the barrier island - but I'm so sad my beach is destroyed.

Have you see this picture?

That's the bridge from Brick into Mantoloking & it's the way I drove to get to the beach.


Ok went up to Point Pleasant to do some Beach Writings today & here are some pictures I wanted to share.

Mini golf at the south end of the boardwalk

looking back from the beach

Random piece of debris

Looking back at the boardwalk

That's my older son

Martells Tiki Bar in the distance. No idea of it's condition.

This is a street. 

Patrolling the beach.

Point was hit, but from the pictures I've seen of other places, it's not as bad there.  It looks like it snowed sand there and then got terribly flooded.  No power & lots of lines down.

We will rebuild, no bitch named Sandy is going to get the better of a Jersey Girl (or guy)

Friday, November 2, 2012

Day 4 - No Power at the Jersey Shore

Not liking living like the Amish!  Can't get to Mantoloking to do my beachwritings.  Not sure when we'll be able to get on the barrier island again. I miss my beach.  Thursday morning JerseyShoreDad & I ventured up to Belmar to see if we could get on the beach.  We did and I took some photos to share with you.  This gazebo is between 5th & 6th in Belmar & it's where we got married.

I still love the ocean. 

Please donate if you can, the Red Cross is the most safest place to start.  

We survived & we will rebuild. You can't break Jersey. 

Just a note - I'm having a sea glass necklace sale on my facebook page. Free shipping to the US.