Saturday, December 29, 2012

Random Picture Day!

 Merry Christmas from us!

Our puppies were upset they weren't in the photo, so they got their own. 

Rebuilding the outside deck at Martell's Tiki Bar in Point Pleasant.

 Random Product shot

While this one is already on it's way to its new owner, I am posting sea glass necklaces to my shop.
Another picture from the beach in Point Pleasant.

I seriously dislike birds, but when a cool shot shows itself, you have to take it.

While stopped at a traffic light in Brick on 12.28.12

Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Winding down

Now that things have started to settle down, it's time to get back to my blog.

Today is about food.  

Crock Pot Potato Soup served in bread bowls.

It was good.  The bowls are made with Tastefully Simple Bountiful Beer bread baked in those little white bowls.  

It was very very good

1 30oz. bag of frozen, shredded hash browns

3 14oz. cans of chicken broth

1 can of cream of chicken soup

1/2 cup onion, chopped

1/4 tsp. ground pepper

1 pkg. cream cheese {don’t use fat free. It WON’T melt!!!}

In a crockpot, combine everything EXCEPT for the cream cheese. Cook for 6-8 hours on low heat. About 1 hour before serving, add cream cheese and keep heated until thoroughly melted. Serve with cheese, sour cream, bacon bits, green onions, or whatever else you think would be good!!

I used onion seasoning and added some left over ham & cooked bacon to it. I also used my immersion blender to mush up the potatoes then topped it with some shredded cheese & put it in the broiler for a few minutes.

ERMERGERD it is good!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012



I got busy

Not complaining, but just feeling guilty about not keeping the blog up to date!

I've been going to Point Pleasant to do my pictures since I can't go to Mantoloking.  The beach is different now.  Still beautiful though.

Monday, November 12, 2012

More Craft Shows

Had a GREAT time at Utopia yesterday doing a fundraising event.  Here is what my table is looking like these days.  I feel it's getting better with every show.  

Next show is Brick Township High School, Chambersbridge Road in Brick from 9 to 4.  

ETA 11/17 7am

So I found out earlier this week that the PTSA canceled the Brick High School show for today (Saturday)
I did a little scrambling and was able to get into another show!


Today, Saturday, November 17, 2012
Ted Blum 4-H Center
310 Milltown Road
Bridgewater, NJ
10 to 2

Come see me :D 

Friday, November 9, 2012

Utopia? Jerseylicious? RHONJ?

If you've read my blog you know I watch Jersey Shore.  Watching it last night brought tears to my eyes.  Not because of how screwed up the cast is or how lame the show has become... 

but because it's Seaside from the summer.  

Before that bitch Sandy reared her ugly face.

But that is really the only "reality" show I watch.  For no other reason then I can NOT stand the constant bleeping out of the cursing on all the shows.  I have a bit of a truckers mouth (yes just a bit LOL) so it's really not the cursing as much as it is the constant BEEP.  It's poor editing. I would prefer a dead spot of air vs that damn beep.  Or just let them curse! 

Plus I don't watch a whole lot of tv anymore.  I used to be a tv junkie, now I have just a handful of shows I watch.

This brings me to my main topic, I was invited to join an event at Utopia in Westfield, NJ this Sunday.  I had left this weekend open because my older son was supposed to have a Marching Band competition in Maryland, so when I was invited I figured I'd go for it

*side note, the band is now doing a state competition on Sunday.. found out YESTERDAY.  Son understands I want to pay off his braces so I won't be at his competition!*

I'm reading the above flyer and see Jerseylicious and RHONJ mentioned and I realize that I have NO IDEA who these people are.  I refuse to walk in there not knowing anything about them, so I guess I need to do some research!  LOL  If you have any info about these shows that you'd like to share with me, I'd appreciate it SO MUCH!!!

If you're in the area on Sunday & would like to help raise money for hurricane victims, stop by!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

First Hurricane Sandy

And then a Nor'easter that turned into a snow storm.

Yeah it's rough. But we're lucky, we didn't lose power that just came back on Tuesday when this storm came through.

OH and it's going to be 65 on Monday.

I am a Jersey Girl and I am Jersey Strong! 

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Saturday at the Jersey Shore

So we're still without power.  But we're doing ok.

The Governor just said in a news conference that over 50% of the homes in Mantoloking have been destroyed.  Ok I don't have a home in Mantoloking & my heart goes out to those who do have a beach house or a home on the barrier island - but I'm so sad my beach is destroyed.

Have you see this picture?

That's the bridge from Brick into Mantoloking & it's the way I drove to get to the beach.


Ok went up to Point Pleasant to do some Beach Writings today & here are some pictures I wanted to share.

Mini golf at the south end of the boardwalk

looking back from the beach

Random piece of debris

Looking back at the boardwalk

That's my older son

Martells Tiki Bar in the distance. No idea of it's condition.

This is a street. 

Patrolling the beach.

Point was hit, but from the pictures I've seen of other places, it's not as bad there.  It looks like it snowed sand there and then got terribly flooded.  No power & lots of lines down.

We will rebuild, no bitch named Sandy is going to get the better of a Jersey Girl (or guy)

Friday, November 2, 2012

Day 4 - No Power at the Jersey Shore

Not liking living like the Amish!  Can't get to Mantoloking to do my beachwritings.  Not sure when we'll be able to get on the barrier island again. I miss my beach.  Thursday morning JerseyShoreDad & I ventured up to Belmar to see if we could get on the beach.  We did and I took some photos to share with you.  This gazebo is between 5th & 6th in Belmar & it's where we got married.

I still love the ocean. 

Please donate if you can, the Red Cross is the most safest place to start.  

We survived & we will rebuild. You can't break Jersey. 

Just a note - I'm having a sea glass necklace sale on my facebook page. Free shipping to the US. 

Monday, October 29, 2012

Hurricane Sandy - Monday afternoon

So Sandy has been pretty scary.  Luckily I don't think we need to worry about the water, just the wind.

The 90mph wind gusts... (btw keep writing 90 mpg - wish my car got that kind of milage)

Anyway... shot a video of the trees in my backyard.

This isn't even the worst of it.

Don't worry about Odie, he ran out because JerseyShoreDad was out there fixing the shed that had blown open.

Have I told you how thankful I am to my friends Keith & Mindy for introducing me to Sailor Jerry?  Sure is making this storm manageable.

Stay safe everyone

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Cookies from Cake Mix

I made these a while ago when my niece & nephew were hanging out for the day with my kids.  We ended up decorating them too.

Cake mix goes on sale occasionally and if I think about it, I buy a few boxes.  Not too many, we all already have slow metabolisms, don't need to make it worse.

Anyway, the recipe to make these is so easy.

Preheat oven to 350

1 box of cake mix. I used Pilsbury chocolate
1 stick of butter (half cup) softened
1 egg
2 tablespoons of water

Mix it all up & drop it in balls on a cookie sheet.  Cook for 9 - 12 minutes

For these, I cooked them for 10 minutes, then added a half of a marshmallow to half of the cookies & returned them to the oven for 10 minutes.

Took them out, let them cook slightly and moved to cooling rack while making sandwiches.  As you can see in the back, at first I was flipping them over, but they I realized they weren't too hot and I could make them the right way.

I made 8 and they were gone in 10 seconds flat. 

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

I hate the name Sandy... two times in my life I've had to deal with troubles dealing with a Sandy (nothing worth sharing, really really boring)

So now Hurricane Sandy is bearing down on the east coast, and where is she supposed to make landfall?

On the Jersey Shore..

Where do I live?

On the Jersey Shore.

 We are in Hurricane Prep mode.  Lots of water & non-perishable junk food!

I'm also doing some cooking. I have sauce made & bagged & 2 jars of store bought, a whole pot of chicken noodle now in the freezer & I'll make stew a little later today.

Bags & plastic containers of water will go in the chest freezer - and the wood will be accessible to board up the bay window & sliding glass doors just in case we're going to need it.

Then tomorrow, this will all be coming down.


I love Halloween, all the fun & none of the stress the other holidays impose on us.  And I don't think it will go back up either.  This makes me very very sad.

Happy Halloween Sandy, you bitch.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Come see me!

Thursday October 25, 2012 I'll be a vendor at this awesome event!
Jersey Girl Networking & Promotions Presents

Networking Nite Jersey Style at III Amici’s Ristorante
Co-ed Networking event

Come and Mingle with other professionals in business, business owners & non- profit organizations, shop with our vendors and make connections!! Stay afterward to Dance to 70's, 80's, 90's & Freestyle! 

Takin' It Back Thursday- Jersey Style!!

$20.00 Admission per person includes a variety of appetizers and a glass of Amici's Famous Sangria or wine.

1700 W. Elizabeth Ave., Linden, New Jersey 07036

Hope to see you there!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Odie & The Post-It Note

Once again I turn on the TV to see a Jack Russell Terrier in another big company commercial.

I have a Jack Russell, his name is Odie. He ended up living here after my neighbor had to give him up because of allergy issue.

I've trained him to do a few things, but I would not call him "well trained."  I find him to be more like a cat then a dog.  He'll do what you want, if you have something for him. My border collie mix will lay down and show you her belly just by giving her a mean look.  Odie, couldn't care less.

So I mentioned on Facebook that I need to get on this bandwagon & train him.  My friend Becky told me her dog trainer said to put a Post-It on the dogs nose and when they wipe it off say "wipe your nose"

So I tried this for a little bit and here is where it lead.

I don't think he's going to make me any money... dammit.

So help me keep this little guy fed & buy something from My Store !

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Dew on the Hibiscus

Other then family, 90% of my photos are beach related, and technically this one is too. I took it when I came home from taking pictures at the beach recently.  LOL

I like it and put it up for sale in my Shop

Monday, October 8, 2012

Christmas is coming!

And I have customized Christmas cards up for sale!  Right now the only prop I have is the Santa hat, but I'm on a mission to find a Menorah and maybe an obnoxiously large ornament, so make sure you check back.

I also offer a picture where I can photoshop in a picture of yours.

Don't forget the pets!

They will be sent to you via email so you can have them printed!

You can find them all HERE!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Bay Head Beach NJ

The beach I normally go to in Mantoloking doesn't have a Jetty so I found on in Bayhead.

Took these pictures this morning.

The first one will be available as a printed photo, the 2nd as a holiday card.
Quality was kept very low in hopes the photos won't be stolen.

Friday, October 5, 2012

80 degrees on October 5th

Have I told you all that I LOVE LOVE LOVE living down the shore?

There is a typo in the watermark, the web page is

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Jersey Shore Stick Figures

Tonight the first show of the last season premieres.  Will my picture be hanging in the house, who knows - but we'll find out in a few hours!

Get your own beach writings here

Craft Fair Schedule 2012

As of right now these are the craft shows in NJ I'm either confirmed for, or have sent in the application.  Make sure you come out & see me!

Jolly Mouse Craft Show -  November 3rd  -  10am to 4pm
Lloyd Road School - Aberdeen

Brick Township High School PTSA  -  November 17th  -  9am to 4pm
BTHS Chambersbridge Rd - Brick

St Clements 22nd Annual Craft Show -  December 1st  - 9 am to 4pm
172 Freneau Ave - Matawan

Colonia Middle School Shop NIGHT   December 7th  -  6:30pm to 9:30pm (my birthday)
100 Delaware Avenue - Colonia

Waiting on an application for the Brick Dragon Marching Band show for December 8th.
And I'm looking for one in Middlesex/Somerset County for 10/20,  10/27 & maybe 12/15

Monday, October 1, 2012

Jersey Shore Calendar!

I came across this idea in the forums/teams on Etsy.  Did you know there forums/teams on Etsy?  Mostly they're for sellers, but buyers hang out there too.  Anyway I saw this idea in the fPOE team.  fPOE is Female Photographers of Etsy.  I thought it was a great idea so I am trying it out too.  They're called 5x7 Loose Leaf Calendars.  Meaning they're lose, not connected.  This really works well because once the month is over, you have a 5x5 picture that you can frame or give away, whatever you want. 

You can buy yours here

I will soon have an alternative for December, just need the sun to come out!

 I also offer this calendar where you can customize ONE month. 

The idea is to make your anniversary month the custom one, but it's up to you which month you customize!

You can order your calendar with the custom month here.

Besides the 12 months, both come with this front page. 

Happy Shopping!


Beach Bum Sulfate Free Soap!

I made a connection with a person at Beach Bum and they sent me these free samples of their Sulfate Free Soap.

I wanted to try it because I have a skin condition and I'm always am looking for something new.

I can't tell you if it's helping or not with my skin condition because I changed my diet as well.  Plus I'm not a doctor, what may work for me may not work for you!

We decided to use these as hand soaps so everyone could try them out.

The consensus is a big thumbs up!  Nice lather, doesn't  dry out my skin like the soaps from B&BW and the scent lasts!  My favorite scent was Ocean Breeze, my younger son likes Karma is a Beach.

Honestly though, the best scent is the Berry Body Butter!  I have to remind myself that it's NOT lip balm! LOL  I've been using it on my legs & I LOVE it.  It does a good job moisturizing my dry legs & smells so good!

You can find them HERE or if you're in the Jacksonville, FL area, you can find them in person, just check out their site for more info!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Not worth it

Sorry I've been away for a while.  But I'm back and I plan on sticking around and writing more often. 

So I'm back to eating right for me to lose weight.  The way that works for me is low carb. I tried reducing calories but it just made me cranky and OMG made me crave cigarettes!  I guess with any weight loss plans there are free foods, things you can eat pretty much all you want without affecting your diet.

For low carb it's steak LOL!  Or any meat/chicken/fish, etc.  Of course it all depends on your body.

Anyway, it took me a month to lose 6lbs.  It's hard to deal with losing slow when I want to just drop it all off overnight. Mind you I've been on and off this journey for 3 years now so I know the plan... still aggrevating.

I've been eating right for days now.  My dad stopped by to see JerseyShoreDad because he had his gall bladder out on Friday.  He brought Entemanns Eclairs.  There are 5 in a box so he said "one for everyone"

Only I'm not eating it because I'm working my plan.

But the kids started fighting over it, so I said "Neither of you could have it, I'm eating it!" After dinner tonight I decided if I was going to eat it, I should do it tonight with my nice cup of coffee.

One bite was all I needed, blech.

So not worth it - I gave it to JSD so he could enjoy it.

My home made cream puffs beat those eclairs hands down!  So I'll wait for Thanksgiving for something like that again. 

What's going on in your world?  What demon are you dealing with?

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Tastefully Simple Saturday!

Ok so I made that up.  But I really like Tastefully Simple products. I don't sell it, and don't want to, but I am having an online party.

An online party is like a party in the home, but you can stay at your own home!

I seriously hate having selling parties at my house because all the people who say they're going to come, don't and you end up with like 3 people.

And plus it's still a tough economy.

I figure by booking an online party I can also reach my friends that want to order stuff and don't live nearby too.

If you want to order without any hassles, here is the link.

My Consultant Sara is pretty awesome too, so if you are in NJ and want to book a party at home, her email address is at the top of the order page.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

My tribute

Took these at the beach this morning.