In a discussion about whether or not you'd buy back the house you grew up in today I stated "I'd rather live in a bungalow where I live now, then in a Mansion in North Jersey." Then I really thought about what I had just said.
Where I live now is down the Jersey Shore. I'm not on the ocean or even have a good view of any water. But I love it down here. Of course there are downsides, one is summer traffic. One time it took my husband & I 45 minutes drive to the beach. It's only 3 miles away. Our fault though, we left the house around 11am on a Saturday of a holiday weekend. You learn not to do these things after you've lived here a while. Another is Bennys (tourists) - we avoid the boardwalk on the weekend, we only go during the week.
My house isn't anything spectacular. And in all honestly, we'll be losing this house sometime in the next year due to foreclosure. But there is just something about living near the ocean that inspires/encourages/feeds me that I just can't explain. Recently I started an endeavour of writing names in the sand and taking pictures of it. (click "My Etsy Shop" link over on the right side of your screen) While I have gone down to the beach at other times, I mostly do it at sunrise.
That's right, I get up before dawn and go down to the beach.
If you know me, I'm sure you're laughing. I am not a morning person, I am a night owl. I'd rather see 5 am because I've been up all night rather then get up at that time. I breastfed my kids because it was just easier to pop them on the breast while laying down then to get up and warm a bottle. (ok there were other reasons too).
But there is something about watching the sunrise that can not be put into words. It truly has to be experienced.
I haven't brought the family with me yet, but as soon as we have a Saturday or Sunday that the kids don't have 10 bazillion things to do, and the weather cooperates, I'll wake them to come with me. Our younger son really wants to come with me.
What is there up in North Jersey that can compete with driving 10 minutes down the road to watch the sunrise over the Ocean? Sure we have family up there, but they're only an hour away, no big deal. Shopping? Nah we've got lots of that down here too. Pretty fall scenery? Sure, in the fall. The beach is beautiful every day.
So, if it means we have to live in a house that has just 2 bedrooms and 1 bath so small only 1 person can be in it at a time, so be it.
Besides a smaller house is easier to clean!