Monday, August 23, 2010

15 weeks

In 15 weeks, I will be 41. I want to be 22lbs lighter by then.

It's really not a whole lot to ask for. I've lost more in a shorter amount of time.

I could go to my doc who is offering a program called The Bead Diet. But I think it's a scam, plus it's been banned in the UK. Umm no thanks. I could join Jenny Craig, a few people I know have used that program and dropped quite a bit of weight. But it's too expensive. If I was single, I would totally do it. But I can't justify spending $200 a week on food just for me when I can feed my entire family of 4 for the same price. Plus I'm not a big fan of eating all that processed food.

I tried weight watchers, and felt hungry ALL THE TIME.

What works for me is Low Carb. BUT I have to stick to it. Any diet or "WOE" (way of eating) only works when you stick to it.

And that my friends inlies my problem, sticking to it. I've done low carb on and off for 10 years now. The very first time, I lost 43 lbs in 6 months. This is me from August 2000.

That night I got pregnant with our 2nd son. And I've never taken off the weight. Even in the picture above I am not skinny, but I am within a healthy weight range. Had I not gotten pregnant, and started exercising, I believe I could have lost a few more pounds & inches. But my kids are worth every pound I fight.

In January of 2009 I was at an awful all time high. I won't say the exact weight, but I was wearing a lot of 1x & 2x shirts, along with living in sweatpants. I was able to lose 40lbs by November, but since then I have been playing with the same 5lbs. Today I am actually up 7lbs from my lowest in 2 years, but I made some homemade bread last night that I just "had" to try. That and a few beers caused at least 2 of the lbs today, it will be off by Wednesday.

So today, August 23rd, 2010 I extend my hand to those of you on the weight loss wagon & ask for some help back up.

It doesn't matter what plan you're using to lose weight, we can all us support and encouragement. And someone to kick our asses either outside or to the gym to exercise!

Drop me an email if you want to talk about losing weight!