Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Maybe a reprieve?

The neighbor kids are home so I haven't heard a whine about "there's nothing to do" so far!

This is really good because I was planning on take the kids to play tennis after work (I have a "real job" from 9 to 2 each day) but found out from a friend that the tennis courts don't have a net. WTF??? I called the town to complain but supposedly the person in charge of that was in a meeting. I left a message 3 hours ago and haven't heard a word, imagine that....

Anyway, the boys being occupied is very good for me today, I have pictures to edit! Monday morning I had 8 custom beach writings to fill for my business. I took over 250 pictures! So I need to spend some time making sure they look their best & send them out!

Update: Got a call back from the rec dept, a net should be up next week, it's on "order." LOL

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