Monday, November 29, 2010

My First Craft Fair

This coming Friday, December 3, 2010 I will be doing my first craft fair. I've never sold at a craft fair before. It starts at 6:30 and goes until 9pm.

Being sold for the first time is my Jersey Girl Necklaces. I have a bunch and will be offering them for $10 on Friday night only. Any I have left will be put up for sale in my Etsy account for $15 plus $2.50 shipping.

I will also have these for $1.50 each. I didn't make the ducks, but I think they are just too cute!
So make sure you come out to see me! I will also be taking custom beach writing orders as well!

Friday, November 19, 2010

A work in progress!

This is my latest creation. I do have to give credit to my sister in law Kristen at Kristen Mintz Photography though, she posted about them first.

It is a work in progress, actually I'm still waiting for it and the 38 others I made, to dry!

The original intent was just to make Christmas ornaments and maybe a few of the Jersey Girl ones as necklaces. But I'm getting LOTS of interest in the JG necklaces so I'm placing a rush order for the supplies I need so I can make more!

If you're in the area, on December 3, I will be at the Colonia Middle School 2010 CANDYLAND Holiday Shop Night from 6 to 9:30. Come check me out be one of the firsts to get a custom made Jersey Girl necklace!

Monday, November 8, 2010


My 9 year old decided he wanted to do what I do and drew this picture of me. I know I've lost weight, but I'm not quite a stick figure yet! LOL

So on my last trip to the beach I realized I am in need of a serious pair of warm gloves that still lets me use my camera! Leather gloves would definitely fit the bill, but they need to be lined with something. I don't want real fur (allergies, dogs, etc LOL) and I don't want to spend big bucks. I wish I had thought of this at the end of last winter when they were all on sale!

If you see a good pair on sale, let me know!