Friday, November 19, 2010

A work in progress!

This is my latest creation. I do have to give credit to my sister in law Kristen at Kristen Mintz Photography though, she posted about them first.

It is a work in progress, actually I'm still waiting for it and the 38 others I made, to dry!

The original intent was just to make Christmas ornaments and maybe a few of the Jersey Girl ones as necklaces. But I'm getting LOTS of interest in the JG necklaces so I'm placing a rush order for the supplies I need so I can make more!

If you're in the area, on December 3, I will be at the Colonia Middle School 2010 CANDYLAND Holiday Shop Night from 6 to 9:30. Come check me out be one of the firsts to get a custom made Jersey Girl necklace!

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