Monday, December 27, 2010

This is my back door. Here at the Jersey Shore we got over 2 feet of snow on the day after Christmas. Our street is not passable, there is over 2 feet on the road & I know they plowed at 9:30 last night. (ETA: totals from NOAA said 33 inches of snow)

I don't mind snow, really I don't, but holy cow 2+ feet in the first snow storm of the season is a bit ridiculous! Thankfully even though my husband is recovering from a stomach bug that has hit the males in this family, he is trying to shovel out our driveway! Not that we can go anywhere!

As for getting any beach writing orders filled, well that is going to have wait. I'm sure I can find clear beach at low tide, but just getting down to the water line is going to be quite a feat!

But I WILL continue doing custom beach writings through the winter. Valentine's day is coming & I will be offering some amazing ideas and items for you to give your loved one! Think initials in a heart made into a necklace! Or a card that says "Be Mine".

So don't forget to click here and browse through all the awesome things I have for sale!

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and have a Wonderful New Year!!!!

Saturday, December 11, 2010


I think so :D

I took this at sunrise this morning when it was 22 degrees out there. Thankfully it wasn't windy!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

There is still time

There is still time to order the ornaments I've made, the Jersey Girl necklaces (only 2 left) and even custom beach writings. I'm going to the beach Friday, Saturday & Sunday this week, as long as the weather cooperates. Next weekend I will do the same thing. All pictures will be sent out by the Monday after the weekend. Since Christmas is still a little bit away, there is plenty of time for you to print pictures I send you to give as gifts for Christmas.


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Did I really see that?

Oh yes I did!!!

As of today, Saturday December 4, 2010 I am down 50 freaking pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I started this journey in January of 2009, slacked for months at a time, but started back up with renewed effort on 9/1/2010 and it's paying off!

I am SOOOOOOO Happy today :D Especially since the scale barely moved all week. I gained 3lbs over Thanksgiving weekend, that came off by Wednesday, but then just stayed there. I nearly cried when I saw the scale this morning! I know I rubbed my eyes because I couldn't believe what I saw, but I saw it!!!!! WOOT!

Some other great news, I did really well at the craft fair last night! Sold several Jersey Girl necklaces, took a few custom beach writing orders, sold a few of my example pictures and 2 rubber ducks. Totally bummed the ducks didn't move, but whatever! LOL I had to laugh when people asked if they could buy some of the pictures I had on the table. I print them just as examples, but people want them! I thought it was too funny. One was even personalized, but it was a common last name!

I will definitely do more craft fairs, maybe even before this Christmas!

Go visit my shop! Until Sunday night the 1 Jersey Girl necklace I have listed will remain for sale for $10, after that it's being bumped up to $15. RUN!


Thursday, December 2, 2010

I did it

I did it, I listed 1 necklace in my etsy shop!

I couldn't wait. I'm like a 3 yo, no patience!