Saturday, December 4, 2010

Did I really see that?

Oh yes I did!!!

As of today, Saturday December 4, 2010 I am down 50 freaking pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I started this journey in January of 2009, slacked for months at a time, but started back up with renewed effort on 9/1/2010 and it's paying off!

I am SOOOOOOO Happy today :D Especially since the scale barely moved all week. I gained 3lbs over Thanksgiving weekend, that came off by Wednesday, but then just stayed there. I nearly cried when I saw the scale this morning! I know I rubbed my eyes because I couldn't believe what I saw, but I saw it!!!!! WOOT!

Some other great news, I did really well at the craft fair last night! Sold several Jersey Girl necklaces, took a few custom beach writing orders, sold a few of my example pictures and 2 rubber ducks. Totally bummed the ducks didn't move, but whatever! LOL I had to laugh when people asked if they could buy some of the pictures I had on the table. I print them just as examples, but people want them! I thought it was too funny. One was even personalized, but it was a common last name!

I will definitely do more craft fairs, maybe even before this Christmas!

Go visit my shop! Until Sunday night the 1 Jersey Girl necklace I have listed will remain for sale for $10, after that it's being bumped up to $15. RUN!


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