Thursday, January 20, 2011

Valentine's Day

"Valentine's Day is a HALLMARK Holiday!"
That is the battle cry of single men and women everywhere!

"Why do I need a special holiday to give the person I love something that tells them I love them?"

Is what the ones who are married or in a relationship say.

Because you, my friend, are a dumb ass. You shouldn't need a day, but you do. And when was the last time you actually bought something for the one you love on a random day?

Go ahead, take some time to think about it, I can wait.

Most of you are still thinking. Some of you are thoughtful and surprise your honey with a cute little something for no reason. But most of us don't.

Yes, I said US, I am guilty of it too. So Valentine's Day is a good time to make it up to your love. Get them a little something.

Guys, listen carefully.... Want a little "something" from your woman? Send her flowers AT WORK. Sending her a bouquet to work is better then changing your relationship status on Facebook. It's like a trophy to most women. But before you run to the local florist or hop on some online site, make sure you know what kind of flowers she likes!!!

I've had several boyfriends send me roses. One even sent 3 dozen to my work one time.

I'm allergic to roses.
Their scent gives me a migraine.

I passed out those 3 dozen to my coworkers and then left work early that day.

The price of roses are so over inflated at this time of year, you don't want to screw that up!

Personally I'm a fan of Daisies.

Chocolates are a good thing, unless your lover is on a diet or diabetic LOL

Custom beach writing? Perfection!
Maybe you don't live near the beach, or went to an island on your honeymoon, or just want something original. Custom beach writings fit that bill perfectly!

Ladies, think your man won't want a custom beach writing to hang somewhere? Why not a picture for their wallet?

So check out my shop by clicking HERE and order a custom beach writing today!

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