Friday, April 1, 2011

Anchors Away!

Yesterday, while listening to Dennis & Judi on NJ101.5 I heard a caller talk about doing a blog challenge. Basically it is the A to Z challenge. Every day you have to post about topic for each letter of the alphabet, in order. There is a link over there to the right if you want to join in!

My challenge to myself is to blog about something beach or New Jersey related for each letter. This is going to be interesting when we get to Q or X! LOL

New Jersey has about 130 miles of coast line. It's the only place in the world where you have to PAY to get on the beach. Sure, other places charge for parking, they do that here too! My town started a new thing that they start charging for parking starting April 1st. I thought at first it was a April Fools joke, but no, it's real. AND they don't have season parking passes ready yet. But the happy news, since I go to the beach to do my beach writings, I can write the expense off on my taxes! It's a bit ridiculous that they start charging for parking when the season doesn't even start until Memorial Day!!!!

So if you want to enjoy the Jersey Shore without paying to get on the beach, get a boat. Yeah it's not cheaper to have a boat vs. paying for a beach pass, but there are benefits to being on boat vs the beach.

You can be topless if you want
You can smoke
You can have ALCOHOL
(though have a designated driver)
If you don't like where you've anchored your boat, just bring up the anchor & move!

However, if you are on a boat and not on the beach, you have NO chance of running into me doing my beach writings. Sometimes I even draw boats!


  1. This will be fun to read 26 posts! hehe. Ain't it a shame to have to pay? ugh. I remember the days we'd arrive at Huntington Beach, CA unstrap the boards and beefeatit down to the surf all for FREE! I rather run into you on the beach, hehe. Have a super weekend and catch ya round the chatsy neighborhood soon.

  2. Stopping by from A-Z... the "shore" is one of my favorite places in the world. I loved moving home from FL, so I can call say "going down THE shore" instead of heading to the beach! We made a quick visit to Pt Pleasant and Brick Beach III the other weekend, I just needed to put my feet in the sand and listen to the surf!

    B is for Balance

  3. I'm so glad you heard me on the radio and joined the Challenge. It's been tricky trying to keep up with everyone and I'll probably be spending much of May continuing on through the list.
    I like Jersey. Two of my daughters moved there. In fact one lives in Brick! The other is in Tom's River.
    Hope you have enjoyed the Challenge. I've had a great, but tiring time.

    Hope you join us in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge Reflections Mega Post on Monday May 2nd.
