Tuesday, April 5, 2011

D is for Delivery!

I'm waiting not so patiently for a delivery to come today. As soon as it gets here, I will update this post.

11:05am - still waiting on my favorite FedEx guy with my delivery!!!

12:20pm and a white truck just pulled up in front of my house... it's a damn township truck!!
AAAARRRGGGGHHH I have an online meeting to attend from 1 to 2, so I'm sure that is when Fedex will show up!

1pm - in the online meeting, still no Fedex delivery!


This is a 16x24 inch canvas I had printed by

and I LOVE IT!

I can't wait to hang this for everyone to see!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Very cool! I was waiting for the Fed Ex truck yesterday too... well I was at work, but my mother was at home waiting for him to return my beloved laptop from repair! Yeah for Fed Ex... hmmmm a topic for Thursday? No, I think not!

    E is for ENOUGH
