Thursday, April 7, 2011

F is for Food on the Boardwalk

hmm boardwalk food. Since not everyone is lucky enough to experience boardwalk food, today I will try to explain the experience of Boardwalk food.

When I see my friends around the world write about how they got pizza at (insert chain pizza place) and how good it is, I weep for them. It shows me that they have never had good pizza. Now, I will say that NYC has awesome pizza too, but we're talking Jersey Shore pizza here.

There are at least 10 to 15 different pizza places on the boardwalk in Seaside Heights. You can tell they're all good because besides the smell of the ocean, one of the first smells that hits you when you get out of your car, is the pizza. There's one place at the south end of the boardwalk that serves slices as long as your arm. Nothing like having a slice of pipping hot FRESH pizza, with your choice of toppings after a day at the beach, or a night on the boards.

Except maybe a sausage sandwich.
With Peppers and Onions or just sauce, the sausage sandwiches on the best rolls, this stand sells are out of this world! Add to it a LARGE freshly made lemonade and you have your own little slice of heaven in your hands.

Still hungry? Because no trip to the boardwalk is complete without some ice cream from Kohr's, a boardwalk icon for as long as I can remember. A twist of this or a twist of that, it's all good.

And don't even get me started on their hot waffles with ice cream. But you gotta eat it fast!

Not an ice cream fan, or want something to take for the ride home? Then you need to hit any one of the stands that sell this carb coma inducing delight.

Funnel Cake
Now I've seen Funnel Cake topped with hot fudge, or fruit, etc. However, nothing beats a hot plate of fried dough, topped with a blizzard of powdered sugar.

So as I sit here eating low carb foods and drinking tons of water in a last ditch attempt to get some more weight off (See my journey here)
in the last 11 weeks of Spring, I am now drooling on my keyboard wondering if the sausage stand is open this weekend.

So pass me a napkin & meet me at Sumner Avenue on the boardwalk, I'll be the slightly chunky woman with sauce running down my chin!


  1. Can't wait for summer but nothing beats Delorenzo's tomato pies in Trenton!

  2. you forgot Zeppoli!!!!! Gotta have those...with the powdered sugar spilled on the front of your shirt!

  3. After several failed attempts to lick the cheese off that delicious looking pizza pictured i've succumbed to the fact that I will have to plan a trip to the boardwalk just to experience both the pizza and dogs, yumm. I'd read/seen many an article and show on how good boardwalk food is and your post has just solidified the aforementioned for me. Nice post and who don't like to read about good food? BTW, do any of the joints serve up foot long coneys? (stupid question, ha)

  4. mmmmmmmmm. You are killing me with this!!!

  5. Nothing like the smell of all the food on the boardwalk.. mixed with the salt air. If I close my eyes, and think really hard I can almost smell it now! It's not an evening on the boardwalk without Kohrs!

    Summer, please hurry!
