Saturday, April 9, 2011

H is for Happiness

What makes you happy?

A lot of things make me happy.

My children for one. They are the light of my life, they are my heart. I would risk my life for them without a second thought.

My husband. He works so hard to provide for us.

My dogs. They make our lives richer.

Starting the day watching the sunrise over the ocean. Yeah, that ranks up there pretty high on the list of things that make me happy.

Buying smaller jeans, AND getting them for less then $5 (random table of jeans at Old Navy!)

There are a lot of things about NJ that make me happy too. I've written enough about the food so suffice to say, there is a lot of good food in NJ.

Things to do. Ski in the winter, surf in the summer. Go shopping in New Hope, or one of the tons of malls. There is a wolf preserve up in northern NJ I want to go to some day. Atlantic City is always fun, even if you don't gamble. Down in Cape May there is a HUGE zoo, that is FREE (they accept donations, DONATE when you go there). NJ actually has a bunch of museums as well, but they're mostly scattered around near colleges. Want to see the Jersey Devil? Go to Warton State Forest :D NYC and Philly aren't too far away if you're looking for that type of excitement.

We really do have it all in NJ, and that makes me happy.


  1. That's the great part about living in this area... so much to do NJ/PA/NYC and even Wash DC. My Hero

  2. So many things to be happy and grateful for and nice that you've shared that. The more and more I hear about, the more and more I want to visit your neck of the woods. Amongst many a thing to be happy for, I'm happy i woke up breathing this morning! :o)

    ps: I really think the Jersey Devil is just a raccoon gone rabid :o)
