Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Father's Day is coming!

Let's face it....  for the most part dad's have it easy.  Mom's take care of everything.  We help with homework, we schedule appointments, arrange play dates, make sure they have clean clothes to wear.  We shuttle the children to various activities, make sure they brush their teeth, provide a kind ear when they need us and give them space when they don't think they need us. 

But dad's have it hard too.  They have to be role models for the sons and great examples for us daughters. And that's pretty hard. Take a look at your husband.  I bet if you thought about it hard enough, he's more like your dad then you may be willing to admit! LOL 

In some families, the dad does the things I said that mom's do, due to divorce or other circumstances and since I don't believe men are built to mulit-task, they have to work harder at it. 

So this June 19th, 2011, we celebrate Dads every where for the awesome job they do!

In honor of Father's Day I have added a few things to my Etsy shop with men in mind.  So wander on over there

and take a look around.  Whether it's one of the pictures I have listed, or if you want something specific written in the sand, it's all there for you!

Hope to see you there!

(Note to Dad's if you forgot to get your wife/mom something for mother's day, I have things for mom's too!)

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