Sunday, October 23, 2011


Did I scare you?

This weekend was the Zombiewalk in Asbury Park, NJ
our 12th wedding anniversary
What better way to spend it, than at at Zombie walk??!!!??!!

 Even the kids got in on the act!
The one in the red jacket was the Zombie Hunter.  Anything to be able to walk around with a fake gun....  ahh boys...
My husband says to me "Don't you know this woman?"  Umm Yeah, it's my cousin Marina! <3

There were quite a few brides, I should have taken photos with each one.  While I was wearing my own dress, she was wearing her mothers!!!

One tired Zombie. 

We will definitely be going back next year! 

Just a side note.  it is so very hard NOT to smile when someone points a camera at you, but Zombies aren't supposed to smile!

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