Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sloppy, unfocused, mess

Since it's been 2 weeks since I blogged, today is going to be a sloppy unfocused mess.  But I will try to cover everything I want to share. 

Last year I only did 1 craft show before Christmas.  This year I'll be doing 5.

I did the Jolly Mouse Craft Show in Aberdeen.  Then I did the Brick High School one.  I will be at the Colonia Middle School Show on Friday Dec 2nd.  On Saturday 12/3 I'll be at Toms River Intermediate South for their FIRST craft show and I just signed up for the East Brunswick High School craft fair on 12/17.

I should probably do more, but I'm suffering from back problems.

I spend a lot of time on the computer and that is probably what has done me in.  But between my day job & my business, it's where I am from 9am to 3pm and then off & on until 10.

I don't watch a lot tv (rarely) I don't bother investing in a DVR because if I do miss a show that I watch, like Criminal Minds, I watch it online.  Seriously, the only reality show I watched was American Idol and I didn't even watch that this past season. Ok, I do watch Jersey Shore, especially the seasons they film in Seaside, but don't tell anyone, it's my dirty little secret. 

Anyway, back in July I started suffering from what I thought were heart attack symptoms.  Many tests later, it turns out I have back/neck problems and it may be what was causing the supposed heart attack symptoms, because my heart is fine (thankfully).  So long story short, I'm going for an MRI today.  BUT I'm not going for a normal tube or open MRI, I'm going for a standing MRI.  

I didn't try the tube one but could NOT do the normal open one. I felt like I was trapped under a car.  I was going to attempt it again with a bunch of Xanax and a ride (husband was going to take me) but then I found this standing MRI and AND there is one close to my house!  I'm schedule for later today so I will come back and tell you how it went. 

Ok I can't sit here anymore so I'm going to stop for now but I'll be eventually to let you know how the standing MRI went!

Seriously, the MRI was nothing.  Remember I'm claustrophobic, so if I say it's nothing, it's nothing. I was surprised that it was done.

On to the bad stuff.  Check out my cervical spine.

See where the red arrow is pointing?  Well I'm not a doctor and my appointment with the Orthopedist isn't until Monday, but that damn sure looks like a herniated disc to me!  I will find out for sure when I got to the doc.  

Fun times!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours and I hope you're day is filled with family, friends, and more blessings than you can count!

  2. Thanksgiving day I was in a hurry to post as many greeting as I could before I got too busy and didn't read many posts, so please forgive me as I was not dismissing yours, just in a hurry.

    After having read this post I want to say kudos to you for the 5 shows you'll be attending. I'm so sorry that you've been afflicted with the neck and back problems as I know how painful it can be. I hope that you find comfort soon and please post the results as I am of genuine concern. I hope your shows go well and that you and your family enjoy a wonderful Holiday Season. Merry Christmas!
