Friday, February 17, 2012 ?

I got a random very plain email this morning from telling me someone recommended my blog to their site & if I wanted more readers I should join.

I know better then to click any links in a random email so I did a search instead.

Seems to be that they're sending that email to any and everyone that has a blog.  

I'm not going to join, but I will keep a tiny eye out for them in the future. I honestly feel it's just a phishing site.


  1. Hello,
    My name is Bruno and I got this same email today. I am researching about the site, but i didn't found information.

    (PS: sorry for my bad English)

  2. I've gotten two emails from these people too. It's kind of creepy. Also, I've noticed you can't really look at the site unless you're a member.

    Thanks, but I think I'll pass.

  3. Hi, I found your blog while searching for info about actually :) I haven't gotten any emails from them, but I've had about 20+ pageviews per day this week from this site. It's very odd. I think you may be right about it being a phishing site.

  4. I just got the same mail.. so been googling and found your site.. Thank you so much for sharing. very helpful

  5. Yes, me too, I received 2 mails, and came here when I googled purebloggers on the internet.
    I was curious because I discovered in the statistiques of my blog that pure blogger was linking my blog.

  6. Hi, like others I found you after googling the name as a result of receiving two emails recently from these people. The interesting thing I noticed was that there seems to be a legitimate site called pureblogging, not that I know anything about them either but they have several entries on google. I think your conclusions could be correct as I have heard phishing sites often use a similar name to a legitimate company to confuse and lure the unwary.

    Thank you for highlighting this, I for one will stay well clear!

  7. Hi again, I thought it would be rude not to have a look around while I was here and I enjoyed seeing the tree you created for your wall, I would love to be talented enough to do that!

    I hope the treatment you received for your neck problem was successful :-)

  8. Hi,
    I've received a couple of these "invitations" as well. In looking for information, I found your site. I think I'll take a look while I'm here! Have a lovely day.

  9. LOL. Found this because I got the email, too. Skip it, but nice to meet ya.

  10. Ooh me too... I found your blog while I was trying to find out what this Pure Blogger thing was about. I agree with you and the rest.. probably a phishing site... not for me thanks! Thanks for your post!


  11. Hi - their emails go straight into "junk". I think that tells me all I need to know about them.

    Also found your link when googling them!

  12. It's possible that it is a phishing site. With the lack of information concerning the site and having been sent an email myself, I did sign up. Immediately it brings you to a page where you can "connect" to all your social media... facebook, twitter, youtube, etc.

    Perhaps they are legit but allowing connections with nary a trace of profitable information out there about this network doesn't seem a good idea.

    One other thing, they ask for your full birth date for sign-up. That seems a bit shady.

  13. This site seems to be one of the only places I've found about these guys.
    I've gotten three invites from them, and sent them all to the trash file.
    They've got a pretty boilerplate 'privacy' statement, but I'm adverse toe giving out mu birthday info.

  14. Hi! As many other people commenting here I found your blog searching on internet for Purebloggers. Thanks for this post...I doubted it was phishing or something like that, but now I know they sent the same email to thousands of people and nobody confirms they are serious people, I'm sure about it.
    I saw the tree you painted on your's a great idea and I like it!


  15. Hi there. Like all the others that have commented, I found your blog whilst 'googling' to find out who/what 'purebloggers' was rather than clicking on them when they made an appearance in my Stats. Not had an email (yet!!). Will give it a wide berth.

    All the best.

  16. @ Guiherme LOL

    Otherwise, ditto on the above comments.

  17. Guilerme you can be our guinea pig! Let us know how it goes. In the mean time, I've gotten 4 emails so far. I responded to the last one to remove me from their email. Let's see what happens.

    BTW, since you're all here, you should totally check out my shop. I do custom beach writing :D Thanks!

  18. As with everyone else,I've received loads of emails from them. They are ballsing up my blog stats by their automated visits. Wish they'd **** off.

  19. I've received a some 20+ visits from that site, but I don't know, it looks too much like facebook login page, if they are legitimate why copy the same layout, right ?. Anyways, like many others found your blog the same way as everybody here, ^^ .


  20. Strange, I have more than 10 blogs but I'd received only one e-mail, related to my weakest one, which confirms the hypothesis of a random e-mail. Considering the Facebook image resemblance I wonder that some "wise" guys are trying to make a Facebook of blogs... It won't work, for sure!!!!

  21. I am registerd at and have no problems. everything on this site is legit. the people on there are friendly and happy. and i already made some new blogging friends and got more traffic / readers to my blog.

    about phishing. dont worry. the "facebook connect" for example is a legit facebook app. it just helps us users to faster connect to a new site. no information (passwords for example) of facebook will be given out to purebloggers. you just need to read a bit more when the popup comes and you understand:)

    1. There is not a bit more to read. They should give more info without having to sign up. I've always been told not to give your full birth date, so why do they require it?

    2. P.S. Click on Peter Nice and he doesn't have a profile available.???

  22. Haha, I just looked at my stats and realized that a lot of my blog traffic is coming from that site...? so, I googled what the heck it was, and your (this) post came up first. Awesome.

  23. I haven't had any emails from them, but they showed up in my stats, so I(as some of you above) googled them and ended up here (I chose to come here first from the list b/c I already follow your blog thanks to last year's A-Z challenge). There is a site "pureblogging" and perhaps they are hoping that folks will mistake them for that and go right over? Pure Blogging has been around for a long time, but one can find (almost) nothing about pure bloggers.

  24. Mulberry Lane Folk Art:
    I dont know what you mean with full birtday. i can not see anything about it at the sign up page.

    And what info would you like to know? Its a social network for bloggers.

    I like their network. Got me traffic and new friends :-)

  25. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  26. I have signed up with a dummy account. My first few hours and impressions can be found here -->

    I'm not sure about the phishing part... I suppose I'll see. But I don't think it's quite how it presents itself. Yes, it is a social network. Yes, most people are bloggers. However, so far as I can see this far, the blogs are like myspace blogs - you blog on the site, not on your own blog. In other people's profiles, the blog tab has posts made on the site... the links to their own blogs are hidden away right at the bottom of the info tab.

  27. I found you through Googling about purebloggers - they kept showing up in my stats too. I really appreciate all the info that commenters have posted. Thanks guys!

  28. Yup, this is what I thought too. Thanks!

  29. Thanks for posting about this Jersey Mom! I, too, came here when I googled them.

    All their mail is going into the spam folder! You have a wonderful blog here...I will go and check out your etsy store!

  30. Thank you for sharing your opinions. I was about to join without thinking too much when I thought... Let's google it up first, and I came across this blog.


    You have a nice blog, Jersey Mom, we're having a look at your etsy shop from Spain!

  31. I'm glad I found this space. I, too, was digging for what this pure bloggers was all about. I'm not looking to join just any other site, and I don't want to revert back to my MySpace days. I'm just glad I survived them.

    That being said, good luck to all who sign up! And thanks for this blog post.

  32. Interesting read:

  33. Bah! I found you through Googling "purebloggers" as well! I keep getting an email from them... And then I saw your blog title and I threw my fist up into the air and starting pumping. Wait, do you get that a lot? :) Can't wait to check out your blog!

  34. LOL Judy! My co-workers are in Ohio and thought it was funny to call me Snooki....

    That was until I threatened to hop on a plane & do a little fist pumping, if you get my drift LOL!

  35. Hey same thing happened to me. Got an email from them and they pop up in my stats. Also I use for a chat box in my blog and they leave random messages there with fake name. and wehn I clicked on the name it led me to

  36. Dear, blogger!

    I have read this article and it was very helpful. I also had an expirience with that website and I know how it looks like. I also had an invitation one year ago from that I can answer to this question. It is very fishy about that website. Even if you are not logging into that website in couple of weeks they start to delete account. Now I am not using it because of their "problems with log in issues". Now, I cannot log into my account on that webiste. It was also very fishy in these two-three weeks ago and it was about logging into that website. Not just that. I also another invitation to another website that was also similar to I didn't remember the full name of the second website but I think the name of the second website has a "goth" word on that name. Their themes are just in gothic style and nothing but that style. They also said that their website was made for bloggers, photographers and many more. They even use similar text as on purebloggers website. When I find more about that second fishy website I'll tell you.
