Sunday, March 18, 2012

Happy Sunday

It's yet another cloudy morning at the Jersey Shore. I have orders piling up, but I can only do so much!

Today will be spent chasing my freaking adorable nephew around the Popcorn Park Zoo. 

I love the Popcorn Park Zoo.  It's not your average zoo.  Here, I copied this from the website.

Popcorn Park Zoo was established in 1977 for the sole purpose of providing a refuge for wildlife that were sick, elderly, abandoned , abused, or injured, and which could no longer survive in its natural habitat.  As time went on, we expanded to include exotic and domestic animals. All our residents once faced these circumstances, as well as exploitation and illegal ownership. Over 200 of these animals and birds now live in spacious surroundings in the heart of the scenic Pine Barrens in southern New Jersey. The Zoo, which is federally licensed, comprises seven acres and is graced by the indigenous Scrub Oak and Scrub Pine.

It's only $5 to get in and the money goes towards the animals. What could be better?  And when it's a little cool & cloudy, like today, the animals are usually more active.  

And hey they have a camel that predicts the Superbowl winners

Smart camel!

So to tide you over until the sun shines again, here is a picture from February 21, 2012


  1. Glad to see you joining us in the A to Z Challenge again!

    An A to Z Co-Host
    Tossing It Out
    Twitter: @AprilA2Z
    Please vote for your favorite A to Z Video

  2. It's been all rain and snow here for the last 3 weeks. Not lots of snow, just dustings. The Popcorn park zoo sounds like a really neat place to visit and such a worthy cause. I love your pic of February. I could just dive in and swim, swim, swim (prolly too cold tho, lol). Happy 1st Day O Spring and hope you can get out soon to fill those orders!

  3. I love popcorn Zoo. I uaed to take my daughter there when she was little.
