Sunday, April 1, 2012

Ahh crap

Why the hell did I sign up for the the A to Z challenge.  It's just a stupid, stupid idea! Who wants to blog 26 times in a month??  Such slave drivers! I hate it, I'm DROPPING OUT!!!

LOL April Fools :D

But I am cheating and this is my first blog for the challenge. 

Good luck everyone!


  1. Love it :-) I'm also doing the A-Z challenge!

  2. Ha, nice one, especially with the mobile preview only showing the first part.

    Claire's Writing Log
    Twitter: @ClaireGoverts

  3. haha..oh, I like you already. :)

  4. LOL nice one :) I reckon you might be the only one playing a fun April Fools day prank unless people are just going to blog about it being April Fools day :P

  5. You're just too funny, lol. LOL@OhhCrap! I knew something was up, hehe. Good luck wit da challenge!

  6. Hi, checking out your blog for the A-Z Challenge. I think your joke is a little close to home for many of us right now, on day one, but a couple of days and we'll all be in the swing! Thanks for the giggle!


  7. That made me laugh. I thought you were seriously dropping out before it even started! Actually I've felt like that a couple of times myself but glad now that I didn't.

    Best of luck with the challenge!

  8. LOL Thanks everyone :D I'm not going anywhere, this is year #2 for me and I'm looking forward to it!

  9. Love a good prank and I'm surprised that there wasn't more in the Blogsphere. I guess we were distracted by A to Z Challenge.
