Friday, April 27, 2012

Web site design

Just like I would not accept a bottle cap for one of my printed & framed  custom beach writings, I would not even think of trading a beach writing for someone's hard earned web design skills.

I might offer my first born son if they could get it done and up by tomorrow.... LOL

I was playing with Publisher last night since I have it and it had web site templates.  Here is a screen shot of what I did.

But I saw this today and thinking I may use the layout of the frames for my front page.

I did it once years ago where I used a picture of a bulletin board (cork board) and had different things on the bulletin board be links.  I don't know if I can do that in Publisher. If not I think I can do it with CoffeeCup's Visual Web Editor.  

I have my hands full today. 

OH and I do have a day job. I'm an online trainer.  Normally I don't start until 10, but we have training at 9 this morning so even though it's GORGEOUS outside, I can't make a beach trip this morning :(  It's ok, I love my job and I get to do it from home, so no complaints!

I wonder if there is internet access at the beach.....

1 comment:

  1. I love that picture collage...thanks for sharing...I am not a trainer but in training for a half-marathon in to run on the beach. Visiting via the A to Z Challenge, blessings.
