Monday, May 14, 2012

Forgive me while I brag

I had the BEST Mother's Day ever, yesterday. 

While I woke up too early (6) it was ok.  I got up and made myself some coffee.  I sat here on the couch and was soon followed by my 10 year old son & then thejerseyshoredad.  I then took my coffee & my kindle and went back to bed.

It's a tradition that on Mother's Day and Father's Day, you are served breakfast in bed, so I had to go back to bed!

Lounging in my jammies reading and drinking coffee, what a GREAT way to start the day.  Soon came breakfast.  A toasted everything bagel with lots of butter & 2 eggs, sunny side up and 3 slices of bacon.  I'm getting hungry just remembering it. 

After that I finished my book (finally) and gave myself a manicure and a pedicure as thejerseyshoredad and the sons cleaned the house.

Yes, you read that right, they cleaned the house.

and MY CAR (just the inside)

and the front lower gutter (ok that took a little prodding, but the kids like climbing the ladder, so not much prodding)

Then the boys and I played a round of croquet as thejerseyshoredad made chocolate dipped fruit (oranges, pineapple & strawberries) and chocolate dipped pretzels too.  He also made a tray of Manicotti for supper. I had made a tray earlier in the week, but we were having company so he made a 2nd tray. Oh and did I mention he made a pot of sauce the day before so could make the manicotti? Can't forget the sausage either!

My dad, my mother in law, sister in law & her family showed up around 3 and we munched on the fruit & chips until dinner time.  Yes we ate the chocolate covered fruit as an appetizer and that was for a very good reason.

After dinner we played a bit and then went to the boardwalk (it's not that far from us).

It was busy but not bad.  2 year old nephew had a great time on the rides & my boys had some fun on the bumper cars & then over in the arcade.  I even got a picture of me and my 2 sons. I think the older one is taller then me now.

After about 2 hours we were tired and made our way back to our house, but not before a stop at Yellow Brick Road, our FAVORITE ice cream place.

Everyone came back here and we relaxed a bit while enjoying our ice cream.  

Soon after everyone made their way home and I relaxed with the thejerseyshoredad and watched Celebrity Apprentice.

I would not ask for a single thing to be different.  I love my family and consider myself to be very very loved.

1 comment:

  1. WTG Jerseyshoredad and kids! Mmm. Yellow Brick Road. We must go back there with you some day. ;)
