Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Life is Good!

These last 10 days have been an awesome ride!  

When you start any kind of life venture you worry.

Is this a good idea
Is it right
Will others like it

Will I really like it, or will it become a hassle?

After the craziness of the last 10 days I can say yes, YES this was the best idea I've ever had! (besides marrying thejerseyshoredad of course) And not a hassle in the least! Hassle isn't even in my dictionary! ("Wheelhouse" for those watching Celebrity Apprentice)

I've been busy as all get out and I stressed over the Hoboken show
But it all worked out and never once did I think
"This is a bad idea"

I don't have a business plan in place, but one is starting to form.  I'm going to start building a vision board and from that I will develop a proper business plan.

And a fund for a shore house :)  I live 3 miles from the beach right now. My dream is to be able to walk out my back door to do my writings.  

Gotta have a dream, right?

What's yours?


  1. It all starts with a dream!!! Good luck on yours!!!

  2. So glad Hoboken went well for you. I need to get a business plan down on paper. I have one in my head (amongst all the fluff) but really need to have something to refer to.

    As for dreams... (sigh) My own real pottery studio with lots of windows and space enough to have classes. Some day....
