Tuesday, June 12, 2012

All this Sea Glass!

All work & no beach makes this week DRAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGG...

Not that I don't love my day job, my day job rocks.  And I'm not just saying that because I think my boss & some co workers possibly read my blog. LOL

Since between driving the older child to school because he's still on crutches (MRI is today) and the younger one starting almost an hour after the older one, I had some time to kill today.  So I dug into my sea glass stash looking for piece to make into a barrette.

And since I had it all spread out, I figured I'd share.  

I think I might find a cool frame for those two flowers on the right.  There are a few pieces in there that could be made into more crabs.  Ever since I sold crabby I've gotten people asking about making ones for them.  

The other night I made a toe ring.  Don't mind my ugly feet.  I found out I can write off a pedicure on my taxes if I use my own feet to sell my stuff so when I get 30 minutes free I'm going to get one! LOL The green polish and the green piece of glass are pure coincidence, I painted my nails days ago.

I was worried the metal was too soft for a toe ring & that it would fall off, but I wore it all day yesterday and it was still there when I went to bed. I did take it off before I went to sleep so it wouldn't get lost in the sheets. 

I'm going to make some more of these & list them over the next few days.  I'll use the silver colored wire too. 

(side note, if you've ever wondered if I photoshopped my beach writing pictures, your answer is in the above picture.  If I was really good at photoshop, my feet would look a LOT nicer!)

Today is going to be a crazy day.  Between work, older son's MRI and then his 8th grade graduation ceremony & family coming down for cake... It's a good thing it's cloudy out, I really don't have time to go to the beach this morning.  OH and here is your opportunity to laugh at me. 

I invited just the grandparents & aunts & uncles (and cousins) for cake because even though both kids are graduating this year, it's only 8th & 5th grade.  We're going to have a BBQ in July where I'll invite the rest of the family.  But I realized after I invited everyone that my oven is dead & I can't make a cake!  LOL 

I like to make cakes.  I only do it for family but you can see some pictures here

So I had to decide between getting a too big cake at Costco or getting a normal sized ice cream cake from our favorite ice cream place

Kids picked ice cream so that's what I'm doing!

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