Thursday, June 7, 2012

No Beach day

I didn't make it to the beach today, but that doesn't mean I don't have pictures for you!

First, some pendants I'm working on.  They still need a little work before I list them. 

Pretty clouds

And my sort of Square Foot garden. I planted some broccoli, onions & cabbage today.  I need to get some mulch once the plants get a little bigger. 

Cucumbers & beans

Umm Onions. LOL  Peppers & Tomatoes are in the background

Beans, broccoli, carrots & cabbage

More of the same oh except my 1 celery plant on the bottom right.
Totally a Pinterest project. Cut the bottom off a stalk of celery & put it in a cup of water and watch it start growing in just a few days!  I had 2 but one died when we put the plants out before planting them. 

And because I know you're SO interested, some of the ones in pots & homemade pots. 
(ie we had too many baby plants to plant in the garden and I hated to throw them out)

As long as it's nice, tomorrow will be a beach day.

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