Monday, February 4, 2013

Do your bleeping job!

Rant time!!  Yeah!

I had such an awful experience this morning with my doctors...

Here is the letter I just shot off to their corporate office.  Parts in red were not sent, and names were changed.... for now...

Dear Corporate office - why do docs have a corporate office?

I must inform you of the awful, stressful situation I encountered this morning with your Ocean County office.

Last Monday, January 28, 2013, I called and spoke with Linda, Dr. Cs assistant.  I needed to go back to my specialist and wanted to ensure that since it had been a while that Dr. C did not need to see me first.  Linda said no she did not need to see me and to schedule the appt with the Specialist & call back the referral line and give them the information.

I made my appt and left a message with the referral person on Monday January 28th.

On Wednesday,January 30th at 10:52 I got all message from the Specialist that they had merged with another group & that the referral would have to be for New Specialist & gave me the new NPI. At 11:19 am on Wednesday January 30th I called the referral person at the Ocean County location and left her a message that included the new NPI for the Specialst. I did not receive any calls that there were any problems.

I get to the Specialists office today and no referral.

And this is where everything goes downhill. When the phones at the Ocean County office were finally turned on at 9:10, I got through and spoke with Linda again.  She said the referral person said she put it through last week.  I called back the Specialists office and they said it wasn't there, that my primary doc did not put it through right. The Specialists office asked if they could fax over the referral and I was told you don't print anything and it could not be faxed.

Apparently through dealing with both offices, what I got from both sides was that the referral system is imperfect and that if your office was having a problem putting in the referral that they had to call the referral system people, your office pushed back and said they had no time to sit on the phone with the referral system people, that the Specialist staff had to call.

Are you fucking kidding me.  You don't have time to call? Obviously since they've been merged since last summer, the system works for other people so maybe a quick phone call could correct all this..... 

Also, I was told by the Specialists staff that the referral person did not know about the change in NPI until this morning, yet I left her a voicemail last week.

Don't lie about me... don't ever fucking lie about something I did, especially when I have phone records to prove it. 

So at this point I am left out in the cold and in pain.  A lot of pain, and neither office is helping me. Not only am I paying customer, but I'm human being in pain.  The pain wont just go away because no one wants to do their job.

I had to do your fucking job and call my insurance at this point and have them change the incorrect referral that was put in by your moronic referral person last week to the correct NPI. I was thankfully able to see my specialist at 1:15 instead of 8:30 am, which meant I had to lose time at work, again because someone who is a lazy ass bitch, didn't do their job.

I have been frustrated with this office in the past, from a constant busy signal when I call to lack of communication on matters like this.  I feel that you have just taken on too many patients and don't have the staff needed to handle the workflow.

I hope you take this matter seriously as this whole situation escalated to a very unprofessional level. I should not have had to deal with any of this, yet I was put in the middle.

Everyone is reporting everyone... it's not pretty... don't fuck with Jersey Girls on a Monday morning. 

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Please call me so I can rip that referral girl a new one....

Thank you

On a side note I love my Specialist, he's a great guy.. however when he made my back spasm, I nearly kicked him LOL he didn't do it on purpose.

Really though, I should not have had to deal with 1 tiny bit of this and if any of them

(specialist office wasn't perfect either, they had their faults in this, like the woman who answered the phone at 11 when I called to see if they ever got the referral told me to "call your primaries office, we have a bunch of people here & a bunch of fax machines, I can't check all of them" who suddenly corrected herself when she realized what she said when I reacted poorly and fixed it)

worked for me, they'd be fired.

And how the hell was your Monday?

UPDATE 2/20/13 - I just received a certified letter from my regular doctors office telling me that she doesn't want to be my doctor anymore.  LOL They could have saved the postage, I wasn't going back!!!!  LOL

1 comment:

  1. My favourite was the nurse who told me that sometimes we think we are the only person in the world when I was a 22 year old single mother who was asking about the results of a cervical biopsy where the doc who did said biopsy was oohing and ahhing about how bad it was and it was past the time the office should have let me know! I loved that doc, thank goodness, or I would have lost my chit on the nurse.
