Friday, March 1, 2013

Luck of the Irish!

On Sunday I was having issues with my back so I basically just stayed home and took it easy.

While sitting there watching bad Sunday afternoon TV I decided to try my hand at making Shamrocks from the jewelry wire and then attached them to green sea glass.

This one sold in 5 minutes of listing it.  So I made 4 more, they sold within a day.  I made two more and they're hanging out in my online store. Click the pictures to go to my store if you want to buy one.  If I'm sold out, just shoot me a message and I'll let you know if I have more.

Then my friend Kathleen said "I like silver, can you make one with silver?"  While I went with copper because I like the way it looks with the green, plus it goes with the whole "Shamrock/Pot of Gold" motif, I made a silver one for her.

And she's coming to pick it up today :)

Love it when Irish eyes are smiling on me!!

Little addition, I made these today.

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