Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Goodbye NJ101.5

Since I work from home (I'm an online trainer during the day) I started listening to talk radio.  NJ1015 is a New Jersey station and kind of funny so I would listen to Dennis & Judi from 10 to 2 and then I think it was Carton & Rossi from 2 to whenever the kids came home. It got better when it became Casey & Rossi a few years later.  Then they ruined it by getting rid of Casey :(

I wasn't a huge fan of Judi, thought she was very closed minded & self centered, but she & Dennis had a good schtick going and it worked well.

One day Judi left and Michele Pilenza took over and it became a fantastic show. The only thing that might have been better than Dennis & Michele was when Dena Blizzard filled in one summer.  ( Both Dena & Michele were like breaths of fresh air.  They both made Dennis less of a hard ass and the show was just a joy to listen to. 

In the time it was Dennis & Michele, I started my business and they were so kind to allow me to talk about it and promote it.  I even did a beach writing birth announcement for Michele when she had her 2nd son.

As a thank you to both of them, I did this stick figure drawing and was going to give it to them on their next diner tour.

That same week they announced Michele was leaving and Judi was coming back.

I was not happy, but hoped that maybe the years and the difficulties she endured while not working would have humbled her and she would be maybe a little more open and easier to listen to.

So I went back to the beach and redid the stick figure drawing. (can't find the original, will post it if I find it) 

As a part of the diner tour that Spring, they were in Toms River so I scooted down there and presented them with their photo & had them sign a 2nd for me.

I framed it and would display it at craft shows occasionally but stopped because Judi had not changed.

She was still the self centered spoiled bitch and Dennis was even becoming more negative.  

I even tried to be nice and made her  a sea glass necklace with her name. Boy do I regret that now.

Their tirade yesterday about the compassionate people who came to the Brick court house to support Sammy 

Sammy is the abused Cocker Spaniel that was brought in by his owner in a garbage bag, severely abused, neglected and near death! The owner claimed he found the dog on the roadside! Sweet 13-year-old Sammy's remarkable recovery has captured our hearts.

showed their true colors and I refuse to be associated with a company that allows for that kind of hatred to be aired.

Compassion is something that comes from your heart and if you don't want to see the scumbags that did this to Sammy and other abused animals face stiffer penalties, and then to make fun of others who do...

Than I have no use for you.

That kind of negativity has no place in this world. 

Good thing I have a Netflix subscription because the radio is off. 


  1. I agree completely. Animal advocates have the biggest hearts anywhere (and not just for animals) and save many lives on a daily basis by giving their love, time, money, energy and opening their homes to the unwanted and abused.

    "Never, never be afraid to do what’s right, especially if the well-being of a person or an animal is at stake. Society’s punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way." MLK Jr.

  2. Perfect...You said it all so well for me!!

  3. Take them off the air!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Thank you for blogging about this! I have been listening to Dennis and Judi for a few months and have witnessed them progressively getting nastier and nastier to the point where it's not even funny anymore. Even when I agree with their position, I find their verbal abuse embarrassing and hope that people don't assume everyone with that perspective thinks or behaves that way. After their disgusting comments regarding animal advocates, I am done with this station for good. People who take up a cause, especially if it is being a voice for the voiceless, should be applauded!


  5. I used to listen to them also. Not anymore. I was at the arraignment for Sammy on Monday. The support was fantastic. As a result more people now realize that animal abuse laws in NJ are useless. Thank goodness Patrick's Law has passed. Now we can't give up. If these creeps go to trial I will be there again to show my support for Sammy!

    Judi and Dennis are just ignorant and I can't say anymore than that here online.

  6. So disappointing to hear about this, what a shame that shock has a value and common decency and compassion no longer have a place in broadcasting. I have had the honor of fostering and adopting many senior dogs, abused and dumped by their 'owners'. When will people understand that those who abuse animals are always only half a step away from abusing the other most vulnerable members of our society. I am sadly not shocked by Sammy's story, those of us in animal rescue see these stories every day, I am shocked that people with a broad base and a public voice would speak out not against the abuse but about the compassionate people who are advocating for Sammy. Shame on NJ101.5 for paying these idiots to spew bile. Please let us know what companies sponsor their show so that we can voice our displeasure to them and threaten a boycott unless they withdraw their financial support. Thank you for blogging about this and thank God, Sammy has a happy ending.

  7. I can't stand Judi, Dennis is ok but Judi...ugh. I liked Michele & Deena but since they got rid of Casey I barely listen. Dominski & Doyle are obnoxious.

    Good for you for switching off!
