Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Dragon Clef

The Dragon Clef is the symbol of the Brick Marching Dragons.  Today was their end of band camp pool party and I wanted to make them something special, so I made a Dragon Clef cake.

First, the icing.  This is just the Viva paper towel buttercream icing.

Then I took the 2 round cakes & made this shape. 

Iced it with the buttercream and here is where the Viva paper towel comes into the picture.  The icing is the kind you can smooth to look like fondant.  It's very easy to make and loved by everyone but me.  I will eat a little bit of it, but it's too sweet for me, I like whipped cream.  But I can't do this with whipped cream! 

Once it's set & smoothed, I take a tooth pick & drew the Dragon Clef in the icing.  This is one of those tips that when I read it I couldn't believe I hadn't thought of it sooner.  It works well from drawing designs like this or just writing Happy Birthday so it all fits!

Then I filled in the drawing.

Not too shabby if I do say so myself!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Just me & a little news

Hi everyone :)

Just wanted to tell you that I've opened a 2nd online store.

It has basically the same photos as my etsy shop (listed over there -->  )  but all of my new sea glass items will go in my new shop.

In a nutshell, I just wanted to get all of my eggs out of one basket. I really should look into setting up my own online store.  One day! :)

Hope you are all doing well and have a great Labor Day Weekend!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly Part 2

I think I already have a post titled The Good, The Bad & The Ugly, but I'm not 100% sure and just too lazy to look!

I had no plans to go to the beach this morning.  Weather report said cloudy with possible showers in the morning.

The Good!
So I was VERY surprised when I saw sun streaming through my windows at 6 something this morning (forgot to close the blinds last night) so I slowly gathered my stuff and went to the beach.

Only to find this; the Bad

Not one of my beach writing orders were simple ones today so there was no way I was getting any work done, so I took a seat on the edge of the drop off.

OH hey, what's that on my ankle... why it's one of my bracelets made into an anklet.  Need to get those listed in my shop. 

There were some guys surfing so I figured I would take some shots of them.   I call this one

Lone Surfer

He wasn't really alone though.

So I take a few action shots. I liked when they got between me & the sun because they ended up in silhouette and looked pretty cool.

That is until I got home and saw this; The Ugly

I saw this on a few pictures at the end of my last trip to the beach and figured it was just a stray hair.  I guess it is just that, a stray hair, but apparently its INSIDE my camera.

So it was good that I got up and went to the beach, because let's face it, the beach is awesome.  It was bad that I couldn't do any writings because they would have had that ugly hair in them.  But then I guess it goes back to being good that I couldn't get any work done because I'd have to redo them all and that means another trip to the beach tomorrow, which is also good!

I think I just confused myself LOL

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Sunday August 4th, 2013

I did this Farmers Market a few weeks ago and really liked it, so I'm doing it again!

Asbury Fresh

It's in Kennedy Park in a very lovely area.  Big beautiful trees and there is a lake across the street where you can rent those swan paddle boats.

I'll be there from noon to 6, come buy and see me!

Get Directions

Friday, August 2, 2013

More Sea Glass

Hope you don't mind a picture only blog post :) is where you can get any of these :)