Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly Part 2

I think I already have a post titled The Good, The Bad & The Ugly, but I'm not 100% sure and just too lazy to look!

I had no plans to go to the beach this morning.  Weather report said cloudy with possible showers in the morning.

The Good!
So I was VERY surprised when I saw sun streaming through my windows at 6 something this morning (forgot to close the blinds last night) so I slowly gathered my stuff and went to the beach.

Only to find this; the Bad

Not one of my beach writing orders were simple ones today so there was no way I was getting any work done, so I took a seat on the edge of the drop off.

OH hey, what's that on my ankle... why it's one of my bracelets made into an anklet.  Need to get those listed in my shop. 

There were some guys surfing so I figured I would take some shots of them.   I call this one

Lone Surfer

He wasn't really alone though.

So I take a few action shots. I liked when they got between me & the sun because they ended up in silhouette and looked pretty cool.

That is until I got home and saw this; The Ugly

I saw this on a few pictures at the end of my last trip to the beach and figured it was just a stray hair.  I guess it is just that, a stray hair, but apparently its INSIDE my camera.

So it was good that I got up and went to the beach, because let's face it, the beach is awesome.  It was bad that I couldn't do any writings because they would have had that ugly hair in them.  But then I guess it goes back to being good that I couldn't get any work done because I'd have to redo them all and that means another trip to the beach tomorrow, which is also good!

I think I just confused myself LOL

1 comment:

  1. I'm jealous!... Not a hair. Looks like an Alien energy beam trying to lock onto the surfer and beam him up.
