Friday, September 2, 2011

Dashboard Dining

or, Cooking an egg on the sidewalk.

When it gets as hot as it did back in the end of July at the Jersey Shore, everyone gets cranky and bored.  So I tried my hand at cooking outside.

But not on the grill.

I'm talking eggs on the sidewalk, and cookies on the dashboard of my car. 

Before becoming BBQ Champs, the Diva part of Rhythm 'n Que entertained us with her dashboard cooking in her FPOGE from the 9th ring of hell. 

So I felt up my inner Diva & whipped up some Peanut Butter Cookies. 
Ignore the dirty vanilla bottle,  I bet yours looks like that too!

At 152 degrees in the car, its going to take 2 or 3 hours to cook.

In the oven, err car they go!

While waiting, I figured trying to fry an egg could help pass the time. Now even though my vanilla bottle looks like hell, I'm not a very dirty person and I didn't want egg all over my driveway, so I used a frying pan.

111 degrees,  It will be slow, but it should cook. 

Because we (and by we I mean the husband) have ADD, the pan was moved to his truck. 

In all fairness, the surface of his truck was hotter, see it's starting to cook!

The clouds came out so I decided to bring the egg in. 
It was a little runny, but it was done.  I like my eggs runny anyway.  

Served with bacon, the egg is perfection and cooked using solar power!
OK I didn't actually eat the egg.  Something about food sitting outside for an hour or 2, uncovered, skeeved me out a bit. That's also why the bacon isn't on the same plate, no reason to waste heavenly bacon. 

Ok back to the cookies.

It's been about 3 hours and time to test!

Oh yea, they're good.  DAMN good.

Now they didn't brown, because it wasn't hot enough to carmelize the sugar, so I threw them in the oven just a little bit to make them brown.

So that was my attempt at car cooking.  

Side note, my car smelled so good for about a week! LOL 


  1. Those cookies look delicious! I always loved Diva's FPOGE cooking demos!! Who am I kidding, all of her food posts are wonderful!!!

  2. I wonder if she ever tried cooking ribs in the FPOGE

  3. LOL! I've heated breakfast burrito's in foil on the intake manifold of my truck on the way to work, does that count? Teeehee.
