Tuesday, September 6, 2011

It's all my dad's fault

I am 41 years old.  I have been registered to vote since I turned 18.

I have NEVER been called for Jury Duty.  

When people would talk about Jury Duty & being called and how to get out of it, I always kept my mouth shut.  If it was a thread on a message board, I stayed out of it.  If people started talking about it IRL, I'd wander away from the conversation.

But about 3 weeks ago my dad asked me flat out "Have you ever been called for Jury Duty?"

I cursed under my breath, told him no. 

I knew then & there, my time was short...

And then just a few days ago, this showed up in my mailbox.

I am not happy.

Thanks Dad...

It would be wrong to go kick my dad in the shins, right?  Elder abuse or something?

Got  a postcard this week telling me I have been excused!!!!!
If I were in a better financial position, I would totally serve. 

1 comment:

  1. I'd be organizing an aged care facility for him lol jokes, you poor thing I hope it's nothing too major xx
