Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I'm a Lazy Mom

and one of my lazy tips (that I found on pinterest) is featured on the I'm a Lazy Mom web site!

She spelled my name Susie not Suzie, but it's ok.... this time.... LOL

She has a great site, make sure you check her out.

Before you head over there, and please do head over there, know that a Lazy Mom is not what you think.  It's not that we're lazy, we just empower our kids to do things for themselves. 


  1. Ah! I feel so bad! I misspelled your name! I'm going to change it NOW. Thanks for the tip, and the shout out on your blog, and for understanding what a lazy mom REALLY is. :)

    The Lazy Mom wuz here.

  2. LOL no worries. For 41 years by brother has spelled it Suzy. You got the link right and that rocks! Thanks!
