Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Been Busy

All of the sudden I have a ton of things to get done.  They're really good things, but unfortunately it's my blog that suffers.  I really like the A to Z challenge, however, it's not working out this year.

I will try again next year.

With that said, I have to share with you something VERY EXCITING happening to me!

A few weeks ago I was contacted by a writer for the Asbury Park Press.  She sought out New Jersey Artists and interviews them for the Sunday's Best section of the Press and other Gannett NJ papers.

I spoke with her and my article is going to run this Sunday!!!!!

However I have to redo my web site by Saturday so that it's all new and sparkly for people to come see it on Sunday!

And I HAVE to do it because the free server I'm hosting it on will no longer be free as of Monday!

My web site is  in case you've never seen it.

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