Thursday, April 19, 2012

M,N,O,P & Q

I can NOT believe I let my blog slide during the A to Z challenge month!

I do not MIND missing a day and playing catch up

I'd NEVER pick on someone else for missing a day or two

I find it OUTRAGEOUS that I couldn't find 5 minutes to write a blog post.

PLEASE forgive me. I may be lazy.... 

But I'm not QUITTING.

I'd never QUIT!

I'd just cheat & use all the letters I missed in  one blog :D

Lame excuses all around to explain why I haven't been here, but they are just that, lame excuses.  Well excuses & my day job has been busier then  I can ever remember, so there is that.

If I show you a pretty picture, will you forgive me?

I'm going to spend some time tonight putting up new listings in my etsy shop.  Not sure if that one is going in just yet, I need to do some research on that layered glass first.

See you tomorrow!  <3 <3 <3


  1. Time slips by pretty quick doesn't it? Love that sea glass heart!

    Anna@Herding Cats & Burning Soup

  2. Is not I whereas you need seek forgiveness, but from yourself. For you will never do anything that will warrant such from me. Keep on truckin' Dahlin, Keep on truckin', LOL!!
