Wednesday, April 4, 2012

My Doggies!

I love dogs.  Much like kids, if I could, I'd have a whole ton of dogs!  But we only have 2

Becca is a Border Collie Sheltie mix that we have decided is the designer breed "Beltie."  She seriously is THE BEST DOG ever.  

We originally were just going to foster her, as we had been doing that for a few months, but I knew immediately she was in her forever home. 

While it's always sad when someone has to give up their dog, I'm grateful to the people who gave her up.  She is the epitome of finding a needle in a haystack.
But be warned, she is VERY protective of us.  I believe she would jump in front of a bullet for any of us. 

We were quite happy being a one dog family.  

Then one night we're watching tv and thejerseyshoredad sees a border collie playing with a Jack Russell Terrier.   He was totally in love. 

Let me take a step back here.  I am the one who grew up having dogs.  thejerseyshoredad only ever had cats.  Oh and I only ever had medium to large Collies.  My sister in law had a little mini poodle when she & my brother married.  He was cute, but OMG little dogs are annoying. 

I didn't really put any stock into actually getting Jack Russell.  

But then one day my neighbor-friend Millie said to me 
"We probably have to get rid of Odie, one of the girls is allergic to him"

Odie is a Jack Russell. 

All of the sudden I hear the words "I'll take him" come out of my mouth

(very edited picture, if he wasn't on a leash he'd be swimming to Europe!)

Not exactly sure how it happened, but I said it and a few days later he moved in. 

It was hard at first.  The little shit thought he was in charge.  We quickly changed that and Becca helped a LOT too. He had to be taught to not run out the front door.  And he still has to be leashed in the backyard because he's part hamster and tries to dig out.
However, he's a mush. I wake up with him sleeping at ON my feet.

I have to laugh at the differences between the two. 

Becca lives to make us happy.

Odie couldn't care less what we do unless it is to serve him or his needs in anyway.

But they play nice together (most of the time)
and they don't fight (for real)
(i LOVE this picture, Becca looks SO mean and she's a big pushover)

And they complete our family. 

Do you have any dogs?


  1. Aww, so sweet! Love all of the photographs!

    We have two dogs. They were our babies before we had a baby girl. :) They're the best with her, so gentle and loving, and very much a part of the family. Great D post!

  2. Yes. I have a chihuahua terrier mix who is very protective too. It's a little humorous, b/c he's not big. Also, he tries to sleep on my neck. It's suffocating, but I love the little guy.

  3. Haha! I loved reading about your dogs personalities! I have a Siberian Husky and he thinks he is in charge, and loves to run away (he is super fast) and completely terrified of new people. He is so great! I love spending time with him!

  4. Great post! It definitely made me smile and chuckle to myself. I love the edited picture...I'm glad you did that instead of him running off to Europe; that wouldn't have been a very happy picture!

    Thanks for sharing!
    Mandy @ The Chockboard

  5. My dog Raven and cat TC are a BIG part of our lives. I'd gladly have another dog but my hubby is not a large pet person. He likes dog but I LOVE them. Maybe one day I can sway his opinion. Take a look at my FB , I always have a little something posted about pets.


  6. I also grew up with medium dogs and from before we were married Hubby and I have had one Lab mix or another. Four years ago we got a second dog for the first time and I'll never go back to having just dog one again! They're so much more fun in a pack! When my nephew moved in he added a chihuahua to the group and I agree with you about little dogs being annoying. But Frankie has a big dog personality and fits in just fine.

  7. Dogs are the best. I grew up with a German Shepherd & a Doberman - the loves of my life. When I went away to university, I couldn't bare not having a dog - and ended up housing a chocolate Labrador for a few months and then took a German Shepherd from the RSPCA cos he looked so trapped in the cage !

    Personally - don't like little dogs, they are really annoying and so 'yappy'
