Friday, April 6, 2012


I got busy and forgot to blog yesterday :(  I need to use the schedule feature one of these days!

Ok on to E for Easter.

I'm not really into to Easter.  I celebrate it with my family because any reason to get together & laugh is a good one!  This year we're all getting together at my brothers house which is really nice because he lives near me!

Now I do have fun making things for Easter.  I've done single tulips in cups as presents. I've made cake pops with Peep heads sticking out

Another year I made Peepshi

This year I'm making a bouquet with the Peeps.  I'll post pictures another time.  Funny thing though, I don't like Peeps.  I'm just not a huge fan of marshmallow. But they're fun to play with.

I do like coloring eggs!


We need to get moving on this because we haven't colored eggs yet this year! LOL

I'll run out later & get the eggs & coloring stuff and we'll do it tomorrow.

One of my favorite Easters started out with the kids having slept over Grammas house and then thejerseyshoredad's sister & her then boyfriend (now husband) driving the kids down & meeting us the boardwalk.  It was the best because thejerseyshoredad & I waited for them at Martell's Tiki Bar, having a few drinks & enjoying the GORGEOUS day.

Here is my blog about Easter from 2 years ago TODAY!  How freaky is that!  I also just realized I missed my 2 year blog anniversary!

Happy Blogaversary to me!  LOL

Editing to add in the pictures of the Peep Bouquet I made!

They're watching you!

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